How exciting! I am going to give a short course of Shodo at the West Dean's new London campus. It will take place in the Dilke House in Bloomsbury in April. It would be very fruitful and mindful!! I am so looking forward!! The course is designed for the beginners. Really looking forward to running this course!
Please check more details and book your place from the links. Shodo :
Introduction to Japanese calligraphy–Shodo 22.February, 2025
Course description Daily Timetable Course teaching 11am–5.15pm Students arrive 10.30am-11am (coffee optional) Morning teaching 11am-1pm Lunch break between 1pm-2pm (lunch is not included) Afternoon teaching 2pm-5.15pm (15 minute break, 3.30pm–3.45pm) Teaching finishes 5.15pm Discover the essence of Japanese calligraphy. Learn basic brush movements, foundational strokes, techniques to create your calligraphy pieces, and how to conduct and apply your inner energy flow with brush and ink onto paper. Experience the art of Shodo with a mindfulness-based method, with specially designed exercises helping you learn to focus on bringing the balance of mind and body together, as well as your individual mindfulness process. Find out more and book your place on the West Dean website, select ‘London Bloomsbury Short Courses’, ‘Craft Courses’ and type in Rie Takeda. @westdeancollege #WestDeanCollege #WestDeanLondon #WestDeanBloomsbury #WestDeanShortCourse #JapaneseCalligraphy #Calligraphy #Shodo #BrushsStrokes #Mindfulness
West Dean London / Dilke House, 1 Malet St, London WC1E 7JN, United Kingdom